Current Status: latest update released in 2022, new update coming in 2025 ⚠️


🗽🌃 🌱🚜🌍🛠 World Edit (Definitive Edition)

World Edit is now available as a Definitive Edition! No new features are available, some of them were removed for stability improvements (such as the terrain painting off lot, or even the blank world, for now). World Edit allows you to add some objects off lot, and even unlock secret ones!

It also allows you to delete any object by using Shift+Click!

Tip: after installing, enable cheats in your game by typing “testingcheats on” in the cheats console, and then use Shift+Click on the terrain or floor, anywhere, to get to the World Edit menu!

🎮 World Edit (Definitive Edition) GUIDE

Please find down below some screenshots and tips on how to use World Edit as of now!

When using Shift+Click on the terrain or floor, anywhere, you will get to the World Edit Menu! Tip: DO NOT put World Edit in a subfolder! It is a script mod and needs to be added to your Mods folder directly, otherwise this menu or some options won’t show up! This mod can also conflict with other mods that unlock debug interactions.

Capture d’écran 2022-06-25 à 17.01.56.png

Creating objects Off-Lot is super easy! Choose the “Objects” Category and then choose one of these interactions to see the objects catalog and add them where you clicked!

Tip: DO NOT put World Edit in a subfolder! It is a script mod and needs to be added to your Mods folder directly, otherwise this menu or some options won’t show up! This mod can also conflict with other mods that unlock debug interactions.

Capture d’écran 2022-06-25 à 17.04.19.png